This page deals with return and refund issues. We have decided about return and refund policy.

Our speech is :

We never return and refund your digital product. When you purchase a product, you have to get it done by the buyer. Either you have to get the job done through the worker neither you will not get the product refund or return.

You'll be glad to know that ORG OFFER is one of the best digital marketplaces in the world. ORG Offer is an online business marketplace where various offers from operators like Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, Airtel and Robi are sold at affordable prices. Among these offers are affordable various term internet offers, minute offers, combo offers, drive offers etc. Our aim is to provide offers at very affordable rates to reduce customer suffering. It's a pure marketplace and it's not spam. We are clear about our business & we are committed to providing superior customer service

If you have more questions about return & refund policy, please contact our Support Page of Stay with us. Thank you!